Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blessed above and beyond

Monkey Man is 8 months old today! Can't hardly believe how fast it's going. Only 4 short months and he'll be ONE?!

Jayce is pretty much crawling. His little scoot is too cute for words and he is STRONG. Time to batten down the hatches as my friend Teresa said. We never had to move anything with Gabe. I'm actually a little scared. I think he's going to get into EVERYTHING! WATCH OUT MAMA!!

He is SO funny...his faces, his noises.
He totally cracks us up.

He NEVER stops moving and it's like wrestling a greased pig when trying to change his diaper or clothes. I pretty much have to put his diaper on when he's on his stomach.

His scream is ear piercing. How did I end up with two very loud kids?

He's sleeping through the night (Thank you Jesus) unless he's sick and doesn't feel well.

He's been getting shy around other people even family. He hides his face and grins. It's the cutiest thing ever.

OH My Gabey
He is very challenging these days, testing his boundaries. He is independent and doesn't like anyone in his space. He is VERY loving, but only on his terms.

He says that he loves me all day long and whispers that I'm pretty. Melts my mommy heart.

He loves to torment our poor Calie girl. They have a love/hate relationship. He is constantly getting into trouble for "beating her up".
Bryan and I have always called Calie, Babae gurl. I love that Gabe calls for her by that name. "Come here babae gurl, come here!"

A couple funnies I don't want to forget"
We were on our way to Target and Jayce always pulls his sock off and scrapes his toes on the seat. Gabe always tells me when he's pulling it off. This time he said "Mama, we've got a Pew Pew" and then he sighed.

After getting the Little colds honey elixir to hopefully help Gabe with his cough. I gave him some and he asked what it was for. I told him it was to help his cough go away. A few seconds later he coughed and said "It didn't work"

I stumbled across a blog tonight about a women who lost her 2 1/2 month old to Pertussis. I sobbed like a baby. Even though these kinds of things make me anxious, I kept reading and weeping. Bryan asked me why are you doing this to yourself? I didn't really have an answer. It was encouraging to read her words, her rawness, her FAITH, her heart. My heart ached for her as I read it.
I prayed for her and her family and counted my blessings. Went upstairs and gave my babies one more kiss before going to bed.

NOTHING in my life makes me feel more blessed than the fact that I have two WONDERFUL BOYS that were entrusted to ME.
“A year from now you wish you had started today.” Karen Lamb

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