Wednesday, June 11, 2008

She falls

Well, I have apparently started taking after my Gabester, lately. I have fallen HARD twice in the last 4 days. SIGH

1st fall - Friday after work I was picking up Gabe at my mom's and Jaden threw a fit because my mom wouldn't give him her cell phone. It was quite funny so I decided to imitate what Jaden did to show his mommy, Julie. BAD move. I quickly realized that I am getting way too OLD to imitate a 17 month old. When I threw myself onto the floor I hit my knee on one of Jaden's toy's. AH it hit just right and I thought I was going to die. I almost threw up it hurt so bad.

2nd fall - Yesterday I was carrying bags out to my car to take over to T's for my baby-sit swap night. Thankfully Bryan was carrying Gabe. It was wet out because I think mother nature forgot about summer this year and when I stepped off the step onto the landing my foot slipped right out from under me. My leg went one way and my body went another. The shock that ran through my body told me that this was NOT good. I thought for sure I had dislocated my knee. Bryan went to put Gabe down in the house with my sister and came back out to help me up. I have never felt that kind of shock before. When I got up, I thought I was going to pass out and then I got all sweaty and hot. Going to throw up again. I sat on the stairs for about 5 min trying NOT to throw up and thankfully it passed. I went inside to change and then I headed to T's. The drive over there was horrible but I made it. I think we all had fun too despite me being crippled. Kambrie has an owie on her knee too, so when we went up the stairs to play in her room we all moved very slowly. HA.
Kambrie was a little mommy to me. Every time I made a noise indicating I was in pain she would say "ooooooh, why don't you get your ice packs, sit down here and put your feet up" It was so cute.


Julie said...

Your nephew is 19 months not 17. Geesh!!!

Mom told me today what happened and then to read it in your blog... sad! Sorry to know that that happened. Hopefully you'll be fine in time for Bryan's graduation! Try to have a good day at work! Love you!

TcH said...

Im so sad you got hurt. I prayed for you last night at bedtime. Will continue to pray. Bryan told me this morning it is NOT good at all. UGH!
I am so thankful that you aren't having B's graduation party this weekend. But I really hope you feel better SOON.

G is sleeping right now. zzzzzzzz