Monday, June 30, 2008

Boring Blog

Sorry my blog has not been up to par lately...We've been busy but boring. Our phone and internet were down for about a week and a half too.

June 13th
Bryan GRADUATED! YAHOO! So I thought life would look different after graduation, I'd see Bryan more, the little projects that I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for Bryan to start would happen. Nope, everything is the same with the exception of the short/stressed out temper that he had LOL! Goes to show, you think you know what your life will look like or WANT it to look like and God has a different plan. Our family has gone through A LOT of changes lately and it's hard to adjust sometimes.

Anyway, like I said that day (Graduation Day) was the best day of my life and the worst day of my life.
Why the worst? Because 2 hours before Gabe and I were supposed to be downtown at Bryan's portfolio show Gabe hit is head on a pail and had to get stitches. Let me explain for those of you who don't know already.
After Gabe's nap I thought we had a good amount of time to play outside before eating lunch and going to the portfolio show. It was such a beautiful day. My mom was going to pick me up at 2 and we were going to head downtown. Gabe was having a blast. We had the bubble machine going and we were playing in the water. He was holding the hose and putting water in this pail that I have. It's an old pail (probably not the best idea to let Gabe play with it) and it's rusty in places.
Well, he was getting tangled up in the hose and I just knew that he was going down. My insides started to panic and I got up to go over to help him. You know I was maybe 3 feet away from him (you think, I should have been able to make that in time) and when I got up saying "Gabey, be careful" everything went into slow motion. I was taking those 3 steps, Gabe starting to fall but catches himself "NOOOOOOOOOO" SMACK! He hit right at this rusty little spot just right that it sliced his forehead. Blood everywhere. Blood curdling screaming. I run inside with him trying to clean him up as he's clinging onto me. I grabbed my cell and called my mom to come over NOW. God parted the sea for mom because she was far away and she hit every green light and had NO issues getting to my house in less than 15 minutes. By that time I had Gabe cleaned up and he had settled down and was eating lunch. We called his pediatricians office and they could get him in at 2, when we were supposed to be leaving for Bryan's portfolio show. So I made a bad decision to not tell Bryan what happened or why I wasn't there etc. If I could go back I probably would have called him and told him now.
We got right in at the dr's office. She cleaned out the cut and said that he would need stitches. She gave us 2 choices and her opinion on both. We could either do the glue or get 3 stitches. We decided to go ahead with the stitches and thus begins a moment I don't ever want to go through or remember EVER again. It was seriously the worst situation I have ever been in. The nurse held his head down and I held his arms and mom had his feet. I could cry just thinking about it. He screamed and screamed and screamed. I just talked to him and told him that mommy was right there with him and just tried to let him hear my voice. I was pretty strong throughout the whole thing, but when she told me I could pick him up, I lost it. He was doing that trying to catch his breath thing that you do when you've sobbed and he kept looking at Dr Mary like how could you be SO mean to do that to me. It broke my heart. Dr. Mary said not to worry all kids at that age hate her, which I am sure isn't true but I have known some kids that HATE going to see the Dr. We left and we made it downtown 15 minutes before the ceremony. I had Bryan's Cap and Gown too. EEKS There was NO WHERE to sit. It was completely packed. They added more chairs thankfully. The ceremony was short and good. It was a proud moment for me to watch my guy walk across the stage and get his diploma.
After graduation, we met up at Claim Jumper's for dinner and had a wonderful dinner. We were all exhusted by the time we got home.

June 15th
Father's Day was a pretty good day. Nothing too exciting happened. Gabe wrote on Daddy's card while he was in the shower and we gave those to him before we went to church. Gabe didn't nap in the nursery and was so exhausted that he fell asleep the second we left church. We went home and put him down and Bryan and I had lunch. The fam went to the Fairview park for lunch and fun times. I was sad that we weren't there with them but you gotta do what you gotta do right. Gabey needed a nap. When Gabe did get up we gave daddy his gifts. Some new flip flops, a body pillow and a Video Game. Then we headed over to the park for a while and after we hung out there we all went back to my parents house. Nathan BBQ'd fajitas for dinner. We ended up having to leave before dinner though because Gabe was melting down. I gave him a bath and rocked him to sleep. My wonderful dad brought us some of the fajitas dinner when they were finished so Bryan and I could have some. It was SO yummy!

We tried out a new thing this last Friday. Thursday night when I picked up Gabe from Teresa's, we talked some about the kind of week that I was having and just how overwhelmed I was feeling and she gave me some ideas and what they did when she was in my position. My house has not had a good cleaning in a long time and so Bryan and I are going to try this new plan out.

Every Friday evening Bryan is going to watch Gabe either at my moms or take him out for a couple hours so I can get the cleaning done. It's good for Gabe to have some daddy time and then I am not feeling SO stressed the rest of the weekend to clean and I can just enjoy being with Gabe.
It actually felt really good to get that done and when I got back over to my parents to pick my boy's up they were just finishing up dinner and I had this huge weight off my shoulders. I think this is a good plan (thank you for the idea, T) so hopefully we can keep this up!

Bryan and I are trying to figure out some other things too. We've been talking about getting rid of some things because it's just not working the way it is right now. We have a lot of praying to do and listening to what God has for us next.

Saturday was SO HOT! I think it got up to 103 degrees. We woke up at 7 and I fed Gabe breakfast and Bryan left for work. After breakfast Gabe and I played and he went down for a nap around 10. I took a shower and got everything ready to take over to Moo's. I had to wake Gabe up and I fed him a snack and we left. We got to Moo's right on time. It was Mia's 1st birthday party. The party was in their backyard. The décor was cute and the cake was a caterpillar and they had a ladybug cake too. They had a good turnout. The kids played in the pool and the adults sat in the shade and talked.
By the time I got home I was completely exhausted. The heat/sun had sucked all the energy out of me.

Gabe is constantly cracking us up. He is so funny and OH SO CUTE!
He just LOVES Kambrie. Every time he sees her he wants to give her a hug. T told me that every morning Gabe will wake up from his first nap and see Kam. He'll then go up to her and give her a huge hug. SO CUTE!

He is really into planes right now. If we're outside and a plane goes by he immediately looks up and points to the sky. If we're inside and he hears a plane he stops whatever he's doing to look up and point to the sky. I think it would be fun to take him to the airport and watch the planes.

I bought him a pair of converse shoes and he started "Tap dancing" in them. He stomps and taps…it is hilarious.
We got his stitches out this last Friday and thankfully he was such a good boy. It only took about a minute for her to get them out and he got irritated while the nurse held his head but he still likes his dr. He was smiling at her and when she was checking him over he was fine.

Sometimes he will randomly attack Calie. She'll be walking towards him and he'll just attack her. She'll run away and Gabe will start after her and Calie always ends up behind him because she's faster obviously and he'll crack up, turn around and attack her again. lol

Last Saturday morning Gabe and I were in my room and I had gone down to the kitchen to throw something away and when I walked out Gabe was standing in front of me with a wad of toilet paper in his hand and a trail of it leading up the stairs. At first I was like "Gabe NO" but it was so funny and I had to get it on video. If you want to see it go to

Last night I had stopped by the store on my way home from dinner with Kate and Teresa and while I was picking up a few things for the week we had a major thunder storm outside. While at dinner we'd see lightning every now and then, but in the store it sounded like it was right above us. It was SO loud I could hear it very clearly in the store. When I went out to leave it was pouring and I got soaked walking…NO…running to the car. When I got home Bryan said that Gabe wasn't scared at all, but that it was very loud and he did look a little concerned. He was in the best mood last night. He was screaming and attacking me then he'd attack Bryan then Calie. It was so funny. I just love his laugh. It gives me SO much joy to hear it and see the huge smile on his face with his little chicklet teeth. ;)

Ouch! :(
Father's Day!


Janell's B-day

Watching Baby Einstein

Tap Dancin Shoes

Feeding the ducks at the pond near our house (They aren't shy at all)

Mia's 1st B-day Party

Homie G's

1 comment:

TcH said...

Im loving the homie G picture. ha ha! That is hilarious.

Is that pool in your backyard?? that thing is huge!! nice!

Hey! He NEVER sits like that and watches TV at our house. ha ha. How did you do that?? Tape him to the chair? hee hee.

Love you! ((hugs))