Friday, July 18, 2008


I am SO behind, but I'm ALWAYS behind. I've decided to go backwards...

First and foremost, FOR you T!

Breakfast cookies made the correct way and very moist! ;o)

A little background, I had sent some breakfast cookies to Teresa's for Gabe. She emailed me saying that she needed to talk to me about my cookies because mine were basically rock hard and hers were moist. What did I do wrong...WELL I happened to put the whole flour mixture into the cookies when it only calls for 3/4 cup. OOPS. This batch was much much yummier!

Today has already been very busy. Gabe woke up at his usual time of 7am. I snuggled with him, changed his diaper and gave him breakfast. Breakfast almost always consists of a banana. I think it was last Saturday I gave Gabe something else for breakfast and about 10 mins after he was done eating he was pointing up at the counter saying "nananana". At first I wasn't sure what he wanted but when I sat him on the counter and he grabbed for a banana. Course the "nananana" should have given it away. I need to pay more attention to the sounds he is saying. He still isn't talking that much but he does say dada and mama, nanana (banana), he has said cracker and sometimes in the morning he says something that sounds like he's saying "Calie". So back to banana's...Gabe LOVES them, I mean really really loves them. Wednesday T told me that Gabe would not eat his lunch because he say that Kambrie had a banana in her free lunch that she gets at the park they go too. T checked the box that they have for kids to put things in it that they don't want and NO banana's. At first K wanted it but then I think she ended up sharing half of it with Gabe. AND T's mom found 2 more in the box a little later so he had 2.5 bananas that day. HA

After breakfast my mom came over to watch Gabe while I met Jenny at Starbuck's. I had a meeting with her at 8:30. We had a good meeting and we left Starbuck's around 10 because she had to go pick up her in-laws at the airport. Gabe was down for nap #1 when I got home. I talked to mom about the meeting until Gabe woke up. Then I changed him, got some food together and headed to the mall to meet Moo and T. Our guy's are all camping this weekend so we had some girl time. Moo got some makeup at the MAC counter and we walked around. Moo and I got a jamba juice and we took Kambrie and Gabe to the little play area. Side note: Moo left her girls with her mom. It was fun to watch Gabe and Kambrie play and just sit and talk. I had to keep getting up and down though. Gabe ust kept leaving out of the play area. Little stinker. He loved going down the slide. I had to keep bringing him back around to the stairs though because every time he would go down it, he would try and climb up the slide and other kids were wanting to come down. We're back home and Gabe is peacefully napping and I'm sitting outside finally catching up on this hog.

Tonight I'm meeting Teresa over at moo's for dinner and more hang out time. YEA!

Yesterday was one of those Friday's that you just have absolutely NO motivation to do any work. It happened to be Sand in the City too so most of our team was out at pioneer square doing that.
The day started out with me sleeping in way too late. I got Gabe ready to go to my moms and drove to work. Bryan left for the weekend today around 1:30. He went camping with the boy's at our usual White River spot that we stay in on Memorial and Labor day.
When I walked into the elevator all of the sudden my purse just fell off my shoulder. the strap totally broke. I am sad, I really liked this purse. It has been my ultimate favorite of all the purses I have ever bought AND I have bought A lOT! I don't usually go 6months to a year before buying a new one. I just get tired of them. I have had this purse for at least 2 years. So needless to say I am on the lookout for a new purse.

After work I hopped on the max with anticipation of seeing Gabe in the next 45 mins. I was sitting reading my book when we pulled into Gateway and I was thinking about where my car was. My thought process went something like this:
"Ok, I'll get my car at my parents and...OH CRAP I drove today!" I had to get off the train and get on the one going back downtown. WHAT THE HECK was I thinking? Good Grief! I ended up falling asleep on the way back downtown and woke up 1 stop before I needed to get off. Thank God! With the day I was already having I'm surprised I didn't go all the way to Beaverton.
When I got to my parents 2 hours later Gabe was in the backyard with Grandma mowing the lawn. I hung out with my fam tonight and when I got home I put Gabe down for bed and then cleaned up. I'm sad that Bryan isn't here but am excited to have our huge bed to myself this weekend!

I was reading Teresa's blog a little earlier and saw a picture of her and Gabe on it and I started to tear up. I don't know why? Gabe will still be with her on Wednesday's and Thursday's for another month. I'm already getting sad that she won't be watching him after Aug. :o(
Speaking of that. Our family is going through more changes. Life definitely keeps us on our toes.
Change #1 - Bryan works at his current temp position for Nike until the 22nd of August.
Change #2 - On August 25th he starts his new temporary position for Nike. This one has a potential to go permanent and Bryan had heard that the manager of this team has hired every temp worker that has worked on his team so we're praying that that works out if that is the direction God wants to take us next.
Change #3 - Along with that Bryan is working for the same manager on a freelance job.
Change #4 - Bryan is working on easing out of JR High. I know that I have said this before but I think that this time it's really going to happen. Bryan and I have been praying about it and he really feels that it's time to move on at least for right now. We still have to work out all the kinks and Randy and him are working together to work something out. It's actually really sad. Bryan came home really upset Wednesday night. This has been something a part of our lives for a long time. It's not going to be easy.
Change #5 - Teresa ((sniff)) won't be ((sniff)) watching Gabe anymore as of August 28th ((sniff sniff)). So to make a long story short (hopefully) I have been trying to figure out what to do. I talked to the daycare downstairs in my building and I was going to call Marcia's friend Michelle who runs a daycare out of her home and I know her really well. There are a few other girls in our church that are nanny's too. Time was ticking away and we all were starting to get a little nervous. A few Wednesday's ago Bryan came home from Youth group and said that he had talked to Nate (Not Nathan my BIL or Nathan Teresa's husband) and he said that his wife Jenny was a nanny and that he'd talk to her and also that I should give her a call. I told Bryan to get me her phone number and I also thought I'd talk to her at church if I saw her. Well, a couple weeks went by and I hadn't seen them at church and I still hadn't gotten her phone number. I was picking up Gabe at Teresa's and she said excitedly that she saw Jenny at the park they go to and that Jenny was really excited about the prospect of watching Gabe. She had even mentioned it to the family that she nanny's for now. T said that she got a really good vibe about it and that it just seemed to be such a God thing how everything had happened like it did. Jenny and Nate have attended our church for a while now. They help out with the HS group and I got a chance to talk to her a little at the women's retreat that we have every year. She is really sweet and you can tell that she loves kids.
I had a good meeting with her this morning and I need to talk to Bryan about a few things. Nate and Jenny are going to come over for lunch on Sunday the 3rd so that she can just see Gabe in his environment and just get a look around the house. For the first 3 weeks she will be watching him here at our house on Wednesday's and then on Thursday's she'll start at our house go and get Maxine a 3 year old that she watches also and they will be at their our for 2 hours and then she'll bring Gabe back home in time for his nap and I'll just come home after work. I am really excited. Every thing sort of gets a little crazy after that. She'll start back up with the full time family that she works for and so Gabe will be over there. Bryan and I will be meeting the other family too. Gabe has already met the to kids.
Once all of this settles down a little Bryan and I are going to really buckle down and figure out a way to get me home. That is my number one goal! I HATE being away from my little guy! HATE IT!
So there you have it. Changes Changes Changes

Last weekend was just NUTS!
We had Bryan's graduation party! There was a lot of prep work and I had already had a very exhausting week to begin with. Gabe and I went to Costco on the Wednesday night before the party to get some food. We actually had a ton of people volunteer to bring some food too. That was so awesome!
We had an great turn out and it was just a great evening to celebrate with friends and family. Bryan and I are SO happy that there is NO MORE SCHOOL!

Nate the Grill Master! Thank you for doing that for us!

When Gabe saw that I put out cookies he was all over that. How does he know? I've never given him a cookie before. THEY just know. I had walked away and came back to this. Little stinker!

Happy Belated Independance Day!
We celebrated with Friends at Travis and Marcia's house.

The Kids beating up Bryan. HA

Gabe in the mood for a nice cold beer!

Gabe and Daddy Chillin

Me and my buddy

Fireworks "oooh aaahhh"
This was taken with the firework setting on my camera just FYI ;o)

AND now just some random pictures of Gabe (because he's so cute)
Our little family made this together. Gabe loved getting his hands in the cement.

Gabe eating watermelon

HELLO! How freaking cute is this bottom!?


TcH said...

Hey! Where was that little plumber butt when I needed him yesterday to hook up my sink? ha ha! I love that kid. he is so dang cute! ((hugs))

TcH said...

I wonder if Nate knows when he stands like that you can STILL see his moobs? ha ha.

OK.. dont make me cry. Im gonna miss my little Gabe. :- (

TcH said...

Oh for the LOVE.... I forgot to say.... Your cookies look great. MUCH better. ha ha.
And now you wont break poor Gabe's teeth (4 chiclet teeth. ha ha)

Jenny said...

You said "for the love" heehee