Friday, March 20, 2009

Our little copycat

Gabe is starting to repeat everything we say. It's funny, but it shocks me too. It's a real big eye opener...Here's a couple of instances lately:

Last Sunday we went on a drive. We had a great time together as a family.
Bryan was talking to me and Gabe started talking too. They both kept getting louder and louder as to try and be the one who was heard. I was driving and about ready to pull ALL of my hair out and screamed "OH MY GOSH!" They both stopped and all of the sudden we heard a small voice in the same tone as me in the back seat repeat "OH MY GOSH!" Bryan and I had laughed so hard.

Bryan and Gabe were in the office and Bryan and I were having a conversation. Bryan said "Gotcha" and Gabe repeated it.

Today I dropped something and said "oh man" and long behold he walks into the kitchen saying "oh man"

So it begins...

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