Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ode to the poof

I, Bryan, Jenny's husband have been asked to pen the following foreword for the Ode to the Poof. It has been my pleasure to wake up to the "poof" almost everyday for the last 8 years sometimes in abject terror and at other times in absolutely hilarious hysteria. I personally, would not change her poof for anything (just stating that as a matter of record.)

The author, Jenny, has written the following Ode to the Poof in order to explain her current state of mind and emotional state whereas it concerns her unnaturally horrifically curly hair that has plagued her waking existence for longer than many would care to recount. The following historical account of titles and pictures is meant to be a humorous, quick synopsis of the many iterations of her hair in its many unfortunate forms for all to revel in the sheer curly freakishness.


Ode to the Poof

It all started innocently enough in 1978, with a bright future and the hope of straight hair. I would not know the frustration and horror that curly hair would bestow upon me.

Little tendrils of things to come...

and so it begins...
Mom's attempt to tame it with a bow
getting bigger...
the "broccoli stalk" look

the "mullet"

the "WTH!!!!!"

let's try it long (maybe that will help)
the "bangs"



TcH said...

so glad you got rid of the bangs.
the "wth" made me laugh really LOUD outloud. Hope I dont wake up Kam.


kate said...

omg! those are hilarious! love the new log look.

Brenda L said...

Don't leave us in suspense. Are you taking it all off? WTH that stands for What the hair right?

TcH said...

I had to come and read this again b/c I can't stop laughing
look at your face in the mullet!!!! your still squinting, and that is the look Gabe does now!!!!!!!! too funny

Jenny said...

Yeah Bryan and I had fun putting this together.
Some of those pictures are BAD!!!!! I was laughing SO hard. WTH was I thinking going out into public in some of those. lol