Monday, November 22, 2010

Things I never want to forget #19-#23

19. Jayce rolled over from tummy to back on Oct. 12th. and from back to tummy on Dec. 3rd.

20. After praying at bed time Gabe said he was scared of the dark (which was a little weird. Never has bothered him before). Bryan told him that he can pray to Jesus and ask Him to help him not be scared of the dark. Gabe responded "BUT He's SO far awayyyyyy" Bryan said "No He's in our hearts." in which Gabe looked down at his chest concerned and said "I don't want Him in my heart I want to get Him out!" How do you explain to a 3.5 yr old that He's not actually PHYSICALLY in his heart. So Bryan just said "well He's here with us always and you can pray to him anytime".

21. During Sunday school class Julie was teaching and they all sat down on their carpet scares. Julie said to the class "Ok class we have a new helper today, can you all say Hi to Pam?" Everyone said quietly "Hi Pam!" Gabe said more loudly "HI HAMMMMMM" Gabe thinking "NO wait that's my Grandma!"

22. I absolutely LOVE that Jayce sits and stares with his mouth open. Even if there is a ton of drool pouring out. :)

23. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of baby breath! I wish I could bottle it up.

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