Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Has it really been 4 months already???

4 month stats:

Weight: 15.1 (50%)
Height: 25.5 (75%)
Heed: 75%

He is getting so big and fun to interact with, he loves to coo and smile, he is rolling over (from tummy to back only) grabbing/batting his toys constantly and giggling when you tickle him. He is at such a fun stage right now - I love it!
The only thing is I feel like it's going TOO went way slower with Gabe...seemed like he was small forever...maybe because he was a preemie...I don't know, but it's making me want another one. lol


I think that we've made it...made it past "the stage". You know the stage where all he does is scream, only mommy can sooth, both Bryan and my mom are scared out of their wits to be alone with him stage.
I feel so painfully aware, this time around, of how quickly he's passing through each magical stage. If only we could bottle them all and pull them out when we've got two raging toddlers and are in desperate need of some newborn nuzzles and noises. "Yes, today I'd prefer a little bit of the sweet smelling poopoo and spit-up, (I know I'm weird but when they're little, I like it all) yes, maybe a little spray of some of that bubble blowing discovery (you know where their tongue is out and they learn to spit at you and they're amazed at themselves), or a little peek at that determined shaky face trying to get fist to mouth to suck and drool, maybe even a bottle of the drool. I'd like a little bit of baby-neck scent, some of kissing-the-chubbiest-cheeks-you've ever kissed, and a bottle of that look. The one where he stares at me with such intensity and then grins the happiest smile you've ever seen. As if to say he's perfectly and completely happy to be my baby boy. And I feel like he's in LOVE with me. Like he doesn't see a single flaw yet. YET. The feeling's mutual."

He stopped sleeping through the night. He'll give me a 6 hour or 7 hour night every few weeks and that feels like heaven on earth. SO different from Gabe...Gabe slept through the night and never stopped. This too shall pass...I HOPE! :)

1 comment:

TcH said...

YOU WANT ANOTHER ONE!??? Your crazy!!! LOL Just kidding, sort of.....
He is getting so big!!! He's looking so "big boy" now. It does go too fast doesn't it???? :-(