Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stomp! Roar! Gabe is 4

He did it, he turned four. Despite all my whining and begging him not to, he just went ahead and did it. He was pretty happy about it too. He came in my room around 6ish to tell me that he is 4. Man I LOVE that kid!

I had decided this year we were going to keep it low key and just family. Planning parties is hard work. Well, my AMAZING mama has been on a party planning kick and well we had a FABULOUS Dino party. We were in charge of the cake, invite and paper mache volcano. My mom did everything else. Thank you mama/grandma for making it so special!

Invitation by the talented daddy

Volcano step-by-step

Annual dinner at Red Robin

Then to the prehistoric cave to PARTY (aka Gma's and Gpa's garage)
Enter at your own risk

Four reasons why we LOVE our four year old:

1. Your desire to spend time with us. That might not always be the case so we are soaking it in.

2. You have such loving heart. You tell us you love us multiple times a day. You tell me that I'm pretty. That sure melts my heart.

3. Your crazy fun energy and the rare times you'll just sit and snuggle.

4. The way you make up names for characters. You have a great imagination.

Happy Birthday Gabey Gabes! We love you!

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