Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Boys' Stats

Gabe's 4 year stats:

Weight: 39lbs 75%
Height: 42.25" 90%

Gabe has an excessive amount of ear wax. At his 3 year appointment the doc had to use one of those tool things to clean out his ears. I thought maybe it was a one time thing so I didn't really think anything of it. She had to do it again at this appointment so I'm thinking we may have an issue...not a horrible one obviously...but an issue. He sobbed both when she cleaned his ears out and when he got his shots. It broke my heart. I'm thinking things like this are actually easier with babies than with older kids. They actually know what's going on and why they're all of the sudden in pain. :(
I had a lot of questions concerning Gabe. We talked about his comprehension that it seems like there are times that he really isn't comprehending what we are saying/asking him. About how he's been hiding in the corner in Sunday school etc. I really think this boy is one who needs preschool. We are praying and seeking out a few options. Hopefully the right one will pan out.

Jayce's 9 month stats:

Weight: 19.5 lbs 25%
Height: 29" 75%

-He has a total of...ZERO teeth.
-He waves "hi" not all the time, but sometimes. It's cute too. He holds out his hand and wiggles his fingers in a fan like motion.
-He claps whenever he hears "yay".
-He gives "five" sort of.
-Gives good kisses, you know the sloppy open mouthed ones that you have to wipe your mouth off afterwards. BUT only to mama AH YEAH :)
-He LOVES being held - especially by his daddy and Grandma
-He LOVES to eat and stares us down when we eat.
-He's Crawling like a pro. Getting into EVERYTHING
-He's pulling himself up onto everything and cruising around all of the furniture. He full on got on top of the coffee table the other day. I didn't have my camera otherwise I would have taken a picture before removing him.
-He crawled up my parents stairs today. Little stinker moves FAST. It was so incredibly cute and scary at the same time. I remember when Bryan caught Gabe crawling up the stairs for the first time. In February 08' so they were pretty much the same age.

I love this age. He is so fun to interact with - he's so animated and laughs at everything, he loves his brother and is such a mamma's boy - until dad walks in the door :) He still smells so yummy and occasionally will just lay his head on you - I love it!
It's all going by too fast. With Gabe, I remember being so excited for each upcoming phase, I didn't really have room to miss the past. Now I wish I could just pause him, and eat up every phase a little longer. Especially, IF he's my last baby????

Gabe and Jayce at 9 months wearing my Favorite Pj's (If I'm not happy nobodys happy)
Kind of look alike???

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