Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Yup, that's me the big 'ol slacker. Most of you are already used to my slacker-ous-ness by now!

NEVERTHELESS, I am back. Now let's see if I can remember everything that has happened in the last three weeks...

On June 7th Gabe had his 2 month appointment. We got there, signed in and waited to be called back. No longer than a minute later we were called back and put into a room. The nurse measured Gabe and he was 21.25 inches long and we undressed him and took him to get weighed. I totally thought he'd be like 7lbs 8lbs something like that, but he ended up being 9lbs 4ozs I couldn't believe it. He had gained 3lbs in 2 weeks. Gabe is as healthy as can be! We asked a ton of questions and Bryan and I decided to wait to do the regular scheduled vaccine's until his adjusted 2 months which would be around July 24th.
The best news though is that we don't have to get up every 3-4 hours during the night because he's gaining weight and growing well. YEA! We've had some good nights since then too. One night he slept 6 hours and 2 nights ago he slept 7 hours. That was awesome for us! We still haven't moved him to his crib yet. I need to start working towards that transition. He hasn't had any choking episodes since we raised the bassinet 30 degrees and I want him in his crib and sleeping at night before I go back to work. Wishful thinking on my part, maybe? I think Gabe is a light sleeper? When I've put him in his crib for a nap he tends to wake up way more easier than when I have him in the bassinet in our room. We live on a pretty busy street with a speed bump right in front our house and as much as I can't do anything about the cars/trucks/3 wheelers that go down our street I have come to find out how annoying/loud they are and they're waking up my son! UGH! Even though we have a speed bump in front of our house people don't go the 25 mile an hour that they're supposed to they FLY over it. I should explain the 3 wheelers...during the summer kids like to ride these loud vehicles up and down for hours upon hours. This didn't annoy me until I had Gabe. I guess he's just going to have to get used to the noise since his room faces the street. Along with those good nights you have to have bad ones right?! I think Gabe is colicky we have had some BAD nights where all he does is scream. I hate this. I hate that I can't do anything to help him. It breaks my heart when he cries like that too. It sounds SO painful. :o(

I never thought I'd ever say that I am tired of holding a baby, but my back and my arms are very tired and a lot of times Gabe just wants to be held. How does one get things done you ask? Well, Kate has this mesh pouch from Kangaroo Korner and I tried it out when I was hanging out with her and this thing is amazing. It keeps him close to me all nice and cozy and I can get things done. When I was over at her house I ordered one for Marcia and one for me. Marc got the mesh one like Kate, but they didn't have one in my size so I ended up getting the cotton one.
I know that I am biased because I'm his mommy, but Gabe is the cutest little baby boy ever! He not only is smiling when asleep probably from gas, he is looking at us and smiling at us with his whole face. We have yet to get it on camera, but I am loving this! I love being a mommy!

Bryan had finals Monday the 11th and he is done with school till the first week of July. 3 more terms to go! YEA!
Comcast also came out that Monday to set up our home phone through them. We had Vonage, but for some reason vonage didn't like us and so we decided to switch to comcast. It's cheaper too since we have Comcast for our cable and internet. So far it's working 100 times better which has been nice.

June 16th, suffice it to say, ended up being a busy day. It was my sister Janell's 21st b-day and we had Betty's wedding to go to at 2:00. Gabe surprisingly did well...slept through the whole wedding and did well at the reception too. He was done so we went home and I got him to sleep before we left for Red Robin to celebrate my sisters b-day. That was fun, but boy is it hard going places with Gabe and Jaden. Speaking of that Julie and I met at the mall on Friday to get Janell's b-day gift and Father's day gifts. Holy Cow that was something else. Gabe didn't want to sit in the car seat and ride in the stroller so thankfully Julie brought her snuggly and I held him and pushed my stroller with all the bags in it. We had to stop to feed Gabe and were going to try and get out of there before Jaden needed to eat, but that didn't work. Julie and I were ready to fall over dead after that trip. HA

Bryan's first Father's day was good. We went to church and then we went over to my parents and we made taco's for lunch and hung out. Bryan got a good nap in and I wanted too, but couldn't fall asleep which was a bummer since my mom was willing to watch Gabe while I napped. OH WELL. A little later in the evening we all went to Big Al's in Vancouver to bowl. Dad's got to bowl for half price. It was a blast!

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