Friday, June 01, 2007

Feels like summer

Nathan and Julie let us borrow Jaden's swing (well they have no room for it really). He's gotten so big he barely fits in it anymore and he never really liked the thing anyway. Gabe likes it I think? Yesterday I got him to fall asleep for about 45 in it and I was able to get some things clean, fold laundry, EAT etc. It does take up a lot of room though and we have it in a sort of awkward spot in our living room.

Here he is, in it, mad at me.

Bryan and I ate leftovers for lunch. Diane's pasta is gone. It was very yummy! At around 3 I left to go to Target. I told Bryan that I would take Gabe with me, but he insisted on me going and having some alone time. SWEEEEET!
I had some knick knacks to get, but my main reason for going was to get the Playtex bottles that my sister has been using. I have been using Avent and for some reason Gabe just wasn't doing well on those. He had a tummy ache after every feeding. When we were over at Julie's apartment all last weekend I ended up trying her bottles and even took a couple home with me and they worked better for Gabe.
I also picked up a shower gift for Betty. I'm trying to to go too overboard because we don't have the money for it. We have Danny's wedding shower this Saturday, Betty's on Monday then Betty's wedding June 16th and Danny's wedding July 14th.
I got home around 4:30 and put everything away, Bryan left at 5:45 for class and T and Kambrie came at 6 with dinner. She stayed for about an hour. Held Gabe while I ate dinner, which was awesome! She made meat muffins with salad and rolls AND I can't forget about brownies for dessert! yummmmm
It was good to have some time with them.

After T left my mom, dad and Jaden came over and we went for a walk. Julie and Nathan went out to dinner just the two of them. It was such a nice night out! Bryan got home just as we walked up and we all had some yummy watermelon. I LOVE this time of year! Mom, dad and Jaden left and I talked to Moo till Gabe's next feeding at 11.

Gabe slept great again last night! We still have to get him up every 3-4 hours to feed him, but we've got him feeding every 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at hight. I think Bryan and I are getting at least 6-7 hours of sleep at night the way we switch up feedings.

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