Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sad Day

My dad called me this afternoon and told me he had some bad news. My stomach tighten the instant I heard him say that. He told me that my Uncle David (dad's brother) had died. WHAT? HOW? He had gone to workout and had a massive heart attack and died there at the gym. The police came to my grandparents door to tell them. My uncle lived with them. He and my aunt have been divorced for I don't know how long now. He just turned 55 and was a healthy man. I guess my cousin Naomi is taking it really hard. She lives in NY and I assume hasn't seen him since her wedding which was two years ago. I don't think anyone could get a hold of Miriam to tell her.

This is all a complete shock. I haven't really lost anyone in my family before. Someone I was close to. My grandma (mom's mom) passed away from cancer when I was three and my grandpa (mom's dad) passed in 94' I think? I wasn't that close to him due to him not being around when I was growing up.

I haven't been that close with my uncle for a while. I did get to spend some time with him almost a year ago...I am so glad I decided to take the trip up there with my family that day. I almost didn't. We were very close when I was little. I lived with them for a summer one year. He always made me laugh.

Been crying off and on all day. I'm so sad...just wish I could have one more moment with him.


Kara said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in our thoughts.

TcH said...

OH Jenny I had no idea!!!
Im sooooooooo sorry.
Is there anything I can do????