Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I drove into work today because Gabe had his 18 month appt at 3:20. I left work around 2:15 and went to get Gabe from Jenny. When I walked in the door he was cuddling with her on the couch. It was cute. We left in a hurry and bolted for the freeway. I got the the office about 5 minutes early. Phew...I think I was cutting it a little close, but we made it safely.
We walked in and Gabe went straight for the toy's...he knew exactly where they were. When we were called back the nurse had me undress him and while I did that she asked me some developmental questions. I was surprised that I said yes to every one.

Here are the stats:

Weight - 25lb 1 oz (36%)
Height - 34in (88%)
Clothes size: mosty 18mo, some 24mo
Diapers: size 5
Loves: Cows, books, bubbles, Baby Einsteins and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Mommy, binks, airplanes, sleeping, dancing, pushing things like strollers, carts etc.
Newest talents: opening doors, helps pick up toy's, temper tantrums
Says: Daddy, Dog, Cow, Bubble, Kitty, Moo, Eye, Teeth, Ball, No, Yea, Jady, please, cheese and I'm sure there are a few others, but he mostly talks Gabey style. It's hilarious!

He hasn't gained much weight in 6 months, But we/he did have a pretty active summer. While we waited for Dr. Mary I read the little flier that they give you while Gabe played around the room. One part said, "Children at this age typically do not eat much, and may be picky eaters" and that made me feel a little better because he has not been eating well at all lately. Won't eat a lot of things that he would before. It totally stresses me out. Any suggestions from all you all who may have had picky eaters are totally welcome. I need help and some creativity.

The doc came in and we went over a ton of things and then she gave him a once over. "He's Perfect!" she said. He was a very good boy too. He was a tad loud when we were trying to talk, but she said most kids she see's at his age scream bloody murder.
Now for my favorite part. He got two shots today. The nurse did it quick and I just tried to talk to him. He cried and cried. I hate that part. He also does this thing afterwards...he's done it the last two times that we've gone (once for his 1 yr appt and then for his stitches). He looks at the nurse or dr like he can't believe that they just did that to him. It is so sad but cute at the same time.

We had a rough night. Bryan was at youth group and Gabe wouldn't eat and he was very weepy. I gave him some tylenol which I probably should have given it to him right before getting the shots, but we mostly just sat and read books and snuggled tonight which actually wasn't so rough. We did bathtime and then we played some music and games on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse website and he fell asleep in my arms.

Love that Gabe


Kara said...

Hey Ethan was 34 inches at 18 months as well, but I think he was 28 lbs. Ethan is a picky eater as well. I have found we just have to go with the flow and offer him stuff and if he doesn't eat it oh well, he will eat when he is hungry. Usually the only time I will make something different is for dinner because if he doesn't eat then, he will wake up in the middle of the night starving. He went through a phase a few weeks ago where he would only eat yogurt for every meal.

TcH said...

Just give him healthy choices when you do feed him. There isn't much you can do about it. That is ONE thing they can control and they definitely use it to their advantage. It is frustrating isn't it? But dont worry.... he isn't going to die. I promise. : -)
Like Kate said once, why do we feel like we have to offer something NEW and exciting at every meal? If he eats bananas and whole wheat toast every day, he wont suffer. At least he is eating!

So you are considering tantrums "talents" now huh??? ;-)