Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gabe is TWO

Gabey Monster
Punky Butt
Social butterfly
Very causious
Horrible eater (like his mom was at that age)
Big Blue eyes
Two chunky cheeks
His smile brightens everything
With those little toofers
all 12 of them
Pulling at my hand (he is very strong) saying "ome on" (come on) to show me everything
Loves to fake cry because he knows that he can make me laugh by doing it
My baby.
My boy.

He did it, he turned two. (April 6th, 2009) Despite all my whining and begging him not to, he just went ahead and did it.
I can't believe 2 years ago I was absolutely DYING of anticipation waiting for this little arrival. I wanted to meet this little boy and hold him in my arms as soon as possible. Here we are right before and a couple days after he was born...little did we know how much joy this little boy would bring into our lives.

2 day's old

1 years old (chunk)

2 years old
I looked through all Gabe’s old photos/baby book and reminisced about how amazing this kid has always been. We are so darn lucky to have him.
I have to say I didn't really understand how birthday parties can be too much until this year. I am worn out from the 3 little parties we had in a little less than a week. I don't think I can keep doing it. lol

Monday April 6th, I got to spend the whole day with him. We got up and snuggled, ate breakfast together watching cartoons, got ready to go to the zoo with Jenny and Daphne, but it was a BEAUTIFUL day, that day and everyone else in the City had decided to go there too. We didn't want to bother with the parking so we ended up going to Washington park for lunch and play time. It was a blast!

We came home and Gabe took a nap and daddy got home early so we sat outside and enjoyed the sun more. Gabe rode his new tricycle from Uncle Minny. It's amazing when the sun comes out and it gets a little warmer how much you just want to be outside.

That evening we wanted to take him to Red Robin for dinner, a sundae and a couple gifts from us. My family wanted to join us, so it made it all the more fun! It was a perfect day!!

Smiling at the peeps that were singing to him

I can't believe he kept the balloons on lol
Wednesday we went to his 2 yr Dr. appointment. NO SHOTS...he was up to date WAHOO!

Baby (I mean big boy) Stats
  • Wt: 28 pounds
  • Ht: 36 inches tall
  • Clothes size: 2T-3T
  • Diapers: size 6, hopefully this won't last TOO much longer
  • Favorite Phrase: "uh-huh!" and "ome onnnn" (come on)
  • Eye color: blue
  • Best Friend: Jaden and all his new cars from the "Cars" movie
Seriously-- what happened to my baby? He just seems like such a big boy these days and it really feels like it happened over night. Here are some Gabe-lights (highlights).

-Current favorite foods: He likes his carbs, most muffins, bread, PB&J's or PB&honey sandwiches, crackers, fruit bars. The only fruit I can get him to eat are 100% natural freeze-dried fruit and some baby food fruits. Chicken pot pie (but he's starting to eat around the veggies now), CHIPS (like his mommy...have to avoid buying them which is good for all ;o), fries, and milk

-Vices: 1. Binky, 2. TV (ahhh- Like all of us, I swore I'd never be a TV mom) 3. Cars (the movie, the "cars" cars, the books about the movie "Cars"

-Words: "hi", "hello", "mommy", "daddy", "ball", "doggie", "kitty", "cow", "duck", "horsey", "sheep", "bird", "frog", "turtle", "monkey", "fishy", "no", "ameeeen", "airplane", "train", "car", "peace" (please), "potty", "poop", "diaper", "hand", "calyeeee" (Calie), "friesssssss", "gama", "gampa", "oulie" (Julie), "Jadin", "Nate", "Jenny", "moon", "hunry" (hungry), "Elmo", "Mickey", "Minnie", "Goofy", "Tiger", "Pooh", "Ernie", "Bert", Big Bird", "cheese", "mine", "cookie", "milkkkk", "water", "m-n-m", "yight" (light), "on", "off", "up", "down", "out", "baby", "eyesss", "nossse", "ear", "teeeph" (teeth), "hair", "tree", "spoon", "fork", "bath", "toys", "socksss", "pantsss", "shoessss", "rock", "door", "cracker", "balloon", "hot", "cup", "bee", "keysss", "boxxx", "kiss"
I am sure there are some that I am missing. He has been talking a lot more lately. He over emphasizes his S's on most words. It's SO cute.

"uh-huh", "ome onnn", "thank ou", "let's go", "uh-oh", "I wove ou" (kind of sounds more muffled though), "I sorrry"
He'll say more with prompting and is saying more new ones on his own...still a little muffled but, the other day when I was changing his clothes he was looking at his Lightning McQueen car and saying "car" over and over again and then all of the sudden he said "McQueen, this is Mommy." LOL

We had a party on Wednesday night with my uncle. He works graveyard, so it's hard for him to do anything on weekends. We had dinner at Olive Garden and then my mom did a Cars theme party.

And we had the "main" birthday party on Saturday. Grandma and Grandpa Wangsgard came to celebrate with us along with the rest of the family and friends. We had a baseball themed party.

The invites (this was really fun to put together. I took a baseball from the dollar store and wrote the details on it with a permanent marker, added 2 pieces of bubble gum and tied the little plastic bag together with a shoelace and a card that said "Take me out to the ballgame"):

The Cake:
The Food:
  • Hot Dogs
  • Chips
  • Popcorn
  • Peanuts
  • M&M's
  • Soda
  • Lemonade
It was a really fun party. We ate lunch, opened presents and sang to the birthday boy!

1 comment:

Brenda L said...

Sounds like Gabe had a very Happy Birthday week. Love the baseball cake that is so cute.