Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What a weekend

I know I post too many pictures of Gabe but I can't help myself...he's my baby.

We had a fun weekend complete with spontaneous Blazer game parties with friends, Sister time for me which = some Gabey/daddy time, Roller skating, good talks, grocery shopping with a great shopping partner, and exhaustion.

Friday Bryan left work a little early to go over to where him and Dan workout. The Manager there is wanting a new logo done and they want to get t-shirts and some other stuff done too. He talked with him for a about an hour and came home. I fed Gabe dinner and then we left for Travis and Moo's for a spontaneous Blazer game party. It was out back and the game was playing in their garage. It was a lot of fun. It was cold though so Travis lit there outside heater which was awesome. We left around 9ish and got Gabe home and into bed. Then I headed over to Kate's to chat and Bryan worked on Filter 7 stuff.

Saturday we were going to have a baby shower for Janell, but most everyone that we were going to invite had already given her a gift so we just had some sister time and then a fun lunch where my mom, Nancy (mom's friend) and Janell's friend met up with us.

Pedicure's with my sisters

I got home around 3:30ish and got to spend some time with my little guy and then I left to meet at Teresa's to go roller skating. It had been about 6 or 7 years since I've gone. It was a total blast and good exercise to boot.

Roller Skating with my girls

Bryan spent most of the weekend doing freelance stuff and working on his business Filter 7. After I went grocery shopping with Kate on Sunday and got all the food put away, Gabe and I headed over to her house for dinner/ice cream, playtime and the another Blazer game of course.

This week I have seriously been dragging (obviously since it took this long to post about our weekend). Tired, no energy, just blah...I was thinking maybe I was coming down with something but I woke up this morning to the sun shinning and suddenly I felt GREAT!
I think we need to move where the sun shines all the time!

1 comment:

Brenda L said...

There is never to many pictures of our babies!