Friday, June 26, 2009

VERY Busy week!

It has been a busy week and I have to say I actually LIKE it that way. I like having lots to do and getting out of the house first thing. It helps the day flow better and we watch less TV that way. I've always been somebody who likes to be busy. HM what to do in the mornings now that swimming lessons are done? lol

Swimming Lessons
I decided to put Gabe in swimming lessons and so I signed him for 2 weeks starting June 29th at the East Portland Community Center. Then I was reminded that they had one week of free lessons so I got up early on Saturday June 20th and signed up for those and then I canceled the 2 week one and got refunded the $53. I am SO glad I did this. It's been SO MUCH fun and it didn't cost anything. ((thumbs up))

Day 1
Gabe got right in the water with me. Grandma came with us and took pictures. He did everything that we worked on. Gabe isn't scared of water at all...never has cried during bath time even when he was a baby. He floated on his back and put his head back in the water. Floated on his tummy and blew bubbles in the water. He kicked and did great. He did however whine a lot.

Day 2
Gabe did really well. He whined less and had a good time. We sang songs and we did some bobbing up and down getting the face a little wet. When we got in a circle and had them on their backs to kick the ball as it came around, he refused to do that. I'm thankful that the class time is short because Gabe's attention span is short.

Day 3
The class went fast today. Gabe didn't whine at all and was all smiles. He kicked the ball today when we got in the circle and we even learned how to move our arms to help us swim.

Day 4
Whined A LOT today. Wanted out almost immediately. Refused to kick the ball again. He did however laugh when I had him hold onto the side and slide himself along it. I just held his bottom as he scooted along. He thought that was hilarious.

Day 5
Bryan had today off and so he got to do Gabe's last day of lessons with him. He went in with Bryan, but wanted me. He did have a good time though and showed daddy everything he learned. Today was fun day. After they went down the slide they got their certificates from their instructors.

Gabe LOVED going down the slide with daddy. They did it 3 times.

After swimming lessons on Tuesday we went to Fairview and played in their park with my sisters. It was a lot of fun. I'm SO glad the sun has been out!
The boy's played really well and by themselves too. Of course I had to take a turn down the twirly slide and Janell played with the boys too. It's fun being a kid every once in a while. ;o)

After swimming lessons on Wednesday we met at Dave and Kate's and we all piled into their van and went out to Boring to pick some strawberries. It was an adventure for sure. Gabe did pretty good at first. He picked a few berries and then wanted to wander off. Eloise brought him back a couple times and one time he ran off and wouldn't stop or come back like I asked him to, so I had to chase him down and he was in a heap of trouble. OH and at one point he took the bowl I had full of berries and dumped them all out and cried/screamed the whole way back to the car. All he wanted was for me to pick him up , but boy was he a cranky little dude. The kiddos ate lunch on the way home and that seemed to put Gabe in a better mood and he went down for a nap right when we got home. It was fun despite all the craziness and we have more yummy strawberries to eat or make smoothies with. YEA

After swimming lessons Thursday we surprised T and Kambrie at her swimming lessons. Course Gabe was melting down the whole time which wasn't fun, but I did manage to see some of the lessons. Kam turned around a couple times to give me a huge smile and wave at us. Loved that. Was going to meet them at the park but Gabe was completely melting down and ended up falling asleep in the car so I went to the DMV for the truck and got our new stickers and took Gabe home and put him down.

After lessons today we got treats at Starbucks and headed over to Travis and Marcia's. Their neighbors were moving and they had to be out by 5pm today and they weren't taking their swing set, so we took it apart and will hopefully set it up here. I'm excited to have a swing set for Gabe to play on.

It has been a crazy busy week, but SO much fun. I'm sad that swim lessons are over, but we plan on going to some pools this summer for sure.

1 comment:

TcH said...

yea! what a fun week. I love the berry pics. That looks like fun.
Thanks for comign to meet us, it was a nice surprise to see you in the parking lot!
Will see you tomorrow at Miss Mia's party!
that's so cool you got a SWING SET! Gabe will love that. Does he have a slide? He loved Kam's slide when we watched him that one night.