Tuesday, June 22, 2010

36 weeks

Oh little one,

I find myself day dreaming about you. What you're going to look like? Who will you remind me of? I can't wait to see you. Will you look like your big brother? Will your hair stick up off your head, or will you be a baldy? What will you weigh? How long will you be?
I have dreams at night that you're GINORMOUS! lol

I want to know everything now. I can't wait to meet you.

I can't believe it was about 18 weeks ago that I felt your little feathery movements for the first time. How small you must have been! Almost transparent.

I'm not used to this big belly that you call home. It seems to be in the way lately. I think yesterday about 5 or 6 people rubbed past my belly because of how far it sticks out. I dropped the laptop because I wasn't anticipating the short space on my lap between my belly and knees. I run into walls, doors and counters. I can't bend over or put my socks and shoes on easily anymore.

Three more weeks, baby.

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