Saturday, July 03, 2010


One week from today. We'll be a family of four. Holy Moly.

We'll have BOYS. As in "the boys and I are going to the park" or "Bryan, hurry home, the boys miss you" or "let's take the boys to ice cream for family night", or like I can say "my boys" and be referring to all three of them.
I love it.

It is so surreal that this is our last weekend as a family of three. This morning Gabe got into our bed with us and the three of us just laid there for a very long time. No one talked, it was quiet and relaxing. It was PERFECT!

I am so thankful for this past year and five months that I have been blessed to be home with my little man and not working full time spending more hours away from him then with him. I wouldn't change it for the world!

The last weeks of this pregnancy is a journey of self discovery that you can't fully share with anyone. You are trapped inside your brain. The one that you used to depend on. Now there's a team of people inside your head playing laser tag:

You're almost done being pregnant-I don't want to be-I can't last another day-Yes you can-I don't even know myself anymore-I'm huge-The baby has hiccups again-My skin is stretchy-Everything hurts-Why won't Gabe and Calie let me be-My husband is no longer funny-Not at all-I can't wait to meet his tiny face-What am I forgetting-Charge the camera batteries-Make a thousand lists-Be ready to feel icky after surgery-Try to act sane-Pay attention when people talk to you-

So, I sit here alone, eating my bowl of cereal, while my boys are out together getting donuts, expelling a deep breath...To most other people in the world, July is going to be just another summer month. For us and our loved ones, an explosion of happiness and surprise.

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