Monday, January 10, 2011

Time flies


- Smiling like crazy... with his mouth, his eyes, his nose, his forehead (he has this indent in the shape of a V at his hairline). EVERYTHING on Jayce smiles when he smiles... I love it.
- Always making noise: humming, giggling, gasping, screaming, bababaing, doing that funny sucking in thing while he smiles... like a form of laugh.
- Spending a lot of time in the Jumperoo. LOVES to jump just like his brother.
- Always trying to get something in his mouth.
- Loving his big brother. Gabe can make him smile and laugh doing just about anything silly or hugging him. They really are "playing" (if you can call it that when it involves a 6 month old) now, at least interacting and keeping each other company. Especially in the car. Gabe does silly things and Jayce laughs. I'm LOVING it.
- Still spitting up and drooling like crazy.
- Still sleeping pretty good at night. He'll go down about 8pm but he's up early between 3 and 4am, but then goes back down until 8ish. He takes 2 pretty good naps.
- Legs shaking at all times. This little guy doesn't ever stop moving.
- Can pretty much sit up on his own. He'll be sitting playing with his toys and then start tumbling over in slow motion.
- Lights up when Bryan comes home and tries to jump out of my arms to get to him...gets in his arms and then immediately turns around for me again
- No teeth yet
- Distracted while nursing. we'll be nursing along and then one noise in the background, and bam. he's pulled off and staring around the room frantically. Especially if big brother is talking and or is near.
- Thinks Calie girl is hilarious.
- Rolls and scoots everywhere. set him down in one spot and find him 10 feet away a few minutes later.
- He's brought so much joy into our family. It's amazing how babies can do that. Almost daily, Gabe says, "I love Jayce."

Six months really is SO fun. You just can't find much to be bummed out over when you've got a chubby, little, blue-eyed, cutie grinning at you most the day. We all LOVE him!

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