Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Gabe's first camping trip

My little chick magnet

So this was my last little brew ha before going back to work. Let me tell you I am so glad that we were able to go camping (first time this summer when we usually go 3-5 times) and that the Sedey's let us barrow their tent trailer. I don't think I can ever go camping in just a tent again. ;o)
The weekend was perfect! It's the little things that make life so so happy:

-Getting to go camping (which I love).
-Borrowing a trailer from some very generous people.
-Beautiful weather.
-Great big fires.
-Clear skies at night with billions of stars.
-Gabe sleeping through the night all weekend.
-Laughing in front of the fire with friends.
-Eating yummy camping food.

The little things that I was missing:

-A bathroom (toilet and a nice hot shower)
-My bed
-But mostly a bathroom

I ended up staying up pretty late Thursday evening getting everything ready to go camping. All we needed to do Friday before leaving was finish packing up our clothes, get ready, run to the store and get ice and pack up the truck. We left around 1 and got to the campground around 3. Nate called us as were were driving through Sandy and told us the easier way to get to the campground which I am glad because it would not have been fun trying to make the turn that you have to from 26 with a trailer. We arrived just before they did.
We set up and then made some dinner. Bryan couldn't get the trailer leveled and when I came to bed that night I asked him if he was sure it would be ok. He had already been sleeping and told me "to be quiet and go to sleep" ha I totally thought the tailer was going to tip over though...I even had a nightmare that it did. Thankfully the next day Nate and Tim helped him get it leveled.
Gabe did so well. I am so impressed with how well he did. He does have a new nickname from everyone though. Pipes! Because he has some lungs!

We came home Monday and cleaned everything up then went to my parents for a relaxing Labor Day BBQ.

Alexis just loved carrying and holding Gabe all weekend

Crazy hat and slippers

My sleepyhead

The boys helping Bryan level the trailer

Lee's new camping chair


TcH said...

I love the "chick magnet" one
hee hee.

I love that nickname "pipes" that was so funny. Someone said "whos crying" and Travis goes "oh thats just pipes"
hee hee

Jenny said...

I know ME TOO! I had to get a picture of them giving him kisses. hee hee.

That's definitely a good nickname for him. Sometimes when he cries it makes my ears ring it's so loud. AH ;o)