Monday, September 10, 2007

Offically weighing in

A year ago yesterday, I found out I was pregnant with Gabe.

What a great memory!

Gabe had his check up today and boy has he grown. He is growing too fast! :o( You would have never guessed that he was a preemie.

16 pounds 8 ounces (50-75%)
26 1/4inches (50-75%)
42.5cm HC (25-50%)

All is well. Gabe did really well at his appointment. He was a happy camper, talking away. He loved the paper on the table. heehee Dr. Mary tried to get him to smile, but he was being a little booger and just kind of smirked at her.
It's been a difficult day for him though. He got his shots and he has a slight fever, his legs definitely hurt (he starts to shake when I hold him SNIFF) and he's been pretty fussy. I hope he sleeps good tonight and feels better tomorrow.


kate said...

he's bigger than lily. she is 16 lbs even and 28 1/2 inches. I can't remember head size.

so glad you finally know how much he weighs.

Jenny said...

Can you believe how big he is? hee hee