Monday, March 08, 2010

Potty Training update

We had a pretty good week, but he has lost interest and doesn't want to do it anymore. I think we're going to take a break and re-visit it again soon.
Something that my friend Kate said to me in person and in her blog really encouraged me. I tend to get angry when he doesn't tell me he has to go. I don't believe that this experience should be discouraging to Gabe in any way. I want it to be a positive and encouraging experience for all of us. I don't know some might not agree with me and feel like I should push him, but the frustration and anger isn't worth it to me. be continued...


kate said...

you are going to do great. and he'll train when he's ready, and you'll be ready too.

The Foglios said...

I think you are completely right. Tyler wanted nothing to do with potty training and he was almost 4, finally I gave up and just decided he would do it when he was ready, and when I backed off he suddenly was interested. It's all in making them think it's their idea...=)