Friday, March 26, 2010

Basement Progress

Messy, boring white walls, gross carpet

It's still in the works...I would like to get some more decor on the "family room" side, but you need $$ for that. So for now...

Many thanks to Mom and dad who bought us new looks awesome!

Office side

Family room side (love the make-shift curtain. Not sure if we're going to do blinds, curtains or both?)


TcH said...

I think it looks nice. You did a great job. I knew you would. The blue isn't showing up very well on my computer. can't wait to see it IRL. What did you do with your bookcase and treadmill? did you have to get rid of them?

Brandy said...

Nice! Love your desk! That's exactly what I'm trying to talk Jake into.... I think I have better chance at winning the lottery considering it's me who needs it and not him. haha! ;o)

Jenny said...

T - Yeah the blue isn't showing up well in the pictures. I had this plan in my head when I picked the blue. We shall see if it pans out. lol
The treadmill is going to be in the garage and I think we might either put the bookshelf in our room or maybe in the garage??? It was too much in the basement.

Brandy - OH yeah I LOVE our desk and so does Bryan. He uses it more because he uses it to draw and needs the space for that.