Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I love love love being pregnant!

I can feel my new baby boy moving all the time. Bryan has felt him too, but he usually goes into stealth mode when Bryan puts his hands on my belly.
I can eat whatever I want...and the consequences will all blend in at the end...
I have an excuse for things.. like eating late at night and not exercising.
Everything is itchy and stretchy.
I cry A LOT
My friends would be proud, every time I sneeze or cough I pee a little
I love wearing maternity clothes
My brain has stopped working, but started thinking only of what needs to be done for this little dudes arrival. (We painted and pulled up the rug in the basement this last weekend. New carpet should be in by the end of the week. ((thumbs up))

Gabe was an awesome helper he vacuumed up the nastiness that was under the old carpet.

My favorite things:

These items don't even scratch the surface, but it's a beginning. I think about food A LOT. And it tastes so much better when you're pregnant! Sometimes I lie in bed at night thinking about food, glancing at the clock to double check, "yes, it's definitely too late to go get take-out... and I already ate... hm, yes, it's definitely too late". Having a conversation with myself.. that's always fun. Plump and healthy, that's the look I'm going for..

Any kind of cerealI actually ate a whole box of these in one day

I know I know...BAD, but I have HUGE cravings for Coke when I'm PG. I thought it was bad with Gabe...NO it's worse with this little guy

Sweeeet Tomatoes Salad bar


kate said...

isn't being prego great. Love the OJ. It tastes different to me now. I don't even like it anymore. drink up girl!

TcH said...

Oh my gosh I was TOTALLY in love with the Simply Orange juice, but now I am on to the Simply Lemonade. Isn't it the best juice?????

I can so relate to so many things you wrote. LOL I LOVE that you pee a little!! FINALLY!!!!! ha ha!

Can't wait to see the new carpet!!! I bet it will look fabulous!!!!

Along For the Ride said...

I can't believe so many people loved O.J. being pg. I think if I even looked at O.J. when I was preggers I would have had acid reflux. Oh my. Jenny, you crack me up with all your pictures. Too cute. A lot of the things you're craving are healthy so that's good!! I only seemed to crave cheese, milk, and ice cream...lol