Tuesday, April 27, 2010

1st Dentist Appt.

Note to self:

Dentist appointments with this boy are not fun.

This is my big boy in the chair just before the crying and screaming began

I don't know why, but I did not prepare myself for the worst in this situation. I SHOULD HAVE! I didn't think that it was going to go as bad as it went. It was horrible. He cried and screamed the whole time. It was sad and embarrassing at the same time. I was hot and sweaty and I know that I'm probably not the only mom who has gone through that, but in the moment that's all that was going through my mind.
Afterwards they give them a little baggy with a new toothbrush, toothpaste, dino floss stick and hour glass thing. They also give you a token to get a prize. Well, it's one of those vending machine type spinny things. You know the kind where you get what you get. You don't get to choose, and of course Gabe didn't like what he got so the screaming continued while I made his next appointment.

Despite all that from what the dentist could see Gabe's teeth are good...no cavities, good spacing etc.

So, I guess it was all worth it.

The dentist and hygienists with their ears still ringing may have a different opinion...

1 comment:

TcH said...

Im surprised they even were able to look in there and get anything done. That boy doesn't do ANYTHING he doesn't want. LOL How did they get him to open his mouth?????