Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Big Boy Bed

This was the easiest transition EVER! We have had NO issues at all (so far) and it's been a little over a week. Gabe adjusted immediately.
The bed is done and all set up. We love it! Seriously, we couldn't have gotten a better deal. Thanks to my mom and sister, Janell. The bed frame, mattress and down comforter all came from them. Bob painted the frame black for us and all we had to pay for was the paint. We can't express our gratitude enough!

Now if only this could happen with the binky. We shall see...


kate said...

awesome! So glad it's going well. I really think it's b/c they are older when they move out of the crib. I think they adjust better. But who knows.

Brenda L said...

Oh such a wonderful transition. I think most kids love the space and freedom. It's also wonderful for us parents to be able to get in bed and snuggle with them. Brenda

TcH said...

cute bed!! can't wait to see the whole room!!!!