Thursday, April 08, 2010


Definition -

• take notice of and act on what someone says; respond to advice or a request
• make an effort to hear something; be alert and ready to hear something
• used to urge someone to pay attention to what one is going to say

I've been thinking a lot about listening lately. Why? Because we are smack dab in the middle of the listening battle with Gabe. He chooses not to listen to commands, demands, direction, warnings etc etc etc.
Gabe will sometimes ask me "Mommy you listen to me?" and most of the time I would say I WAS listening and had already answered him, but he most likely didn't like what I said. lol

Am I a good listener? I think when I want to be I can be, but other times I am distracted and "multi-tasking" if you will. Which to me isn't REALLY listening. I probably do this more then I really think. For example, if someone is talking to me, I might be looking somewhere else or playing on my phone or doing something and not giving the other person my undivided attention and looking at them making them feel as though they are being listened to. Sometimes they will stop talking and I'll say, "I'm listening" and could totally repeat what they said, but really it's kind of rude now that I'm seeing it from Gabe. Or someone could be talking to me about something and I will completely interrupt them and talk about something else. Seriously, how rude is that and I'm ashamed that I actually do that sometimes.
If I'm not being a good listener how do I expect to listen and hear the voice of God?
Listening to God is probably the most important thing that will ever happen to a person. In fact your entire eternal future is based on you hearing God speaking to you and whether or not you listen to him. And this is because your spiritual life doesn't begin until God speaks to you and you finally decide to listen. This is so beautifully described in John 10:27-28. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand".

Listening is not an innate ability; it’s a skill. And like any skill, it takes lots of practice to perfect.
I want, I desire to be a good listener. I want my children to want to come to me and talk about things and know no matter what they are loved. It's not difficult to weave authentic listening throughout our busy everyday routines, and the benefits, both for us and our kids, are lasting.

When we listen, we bring forth and hold the sacredness of our children. We are reminded to stay in the moment, give from our hearts, go beyond self-imposed limitations, and open ourselves to a more expansive universe. Listening lets our kids know they are valued and gives us treasured insight into their very being. The vital decision to listen can dissolve any distance between us and our kids.

I like this article Easy Steps to Listening Kids. Maybe if I can become a better listener, Gabe will?


Brandy said...

I am HORRIBLE at listening well when the kids are talking to me...mostly because I am ALWAYS distracted. Always. Distraction is a constant state of being in our life with three of them under foot all the time. This was a good read! ;o)

Along For the Ride said...

I LOVE what you wrote. The verse gave me chills. I am constantly struggling with listening, too or doing the thing the article said - making sure they're ready but spend another 15 minutes trying to get MY act together. I have been trying to look Keira in the EYE more and stop what I'm doing when she's talking to me. That helps a lot. Mia's been testing boundries, too and when I tell her there's going to be consequences for her actions she says, "No mommy, I want to listen!!" Not bad enough obviously - lol

Katie said...

I'm with you friend. I always feel I am needing to work on my listening skills. I get impatient and I want to jump ahead, but really, I just need to sit in the moment and listen. I'll be praying for you!