Friday, September 10, 2010

It's offical!

He's still in pull-ups at night --- but otherwise, 100% --- no accidents --- fully committed --- so much that he goes up to the bathroom on his own and doesn't even need my help --- potty-trained.

So for a couple of weeks back in Feb I encouraged the potty. The first of those weeks went really well. We started the morning in front of the TV on the little potty. But then Lots of accidents. Hiding. I was inconsistent and hit or miss. Going out places not staying home. Sometimes avoiding it all day and he regressed. Didn't want to do it anymore. I decided not to push it...I was getting frustrated and he wasn't ready IMO.

We decided that we wouldn't try again until after baby arrived. Bryan had three weeks off and I got this harebrained idea to start the week Bryan went back to work. NOT a good idea...what was I thinking trying to potty train my very first week alone with a newborn and a 3 yr old. But then when I was at a baby shower on Aug 7th Bryan texted me saying that they were potty training. That Gabe tore his diaper off and said that he wanted to wear undies not diapers.

I was a little irritated, because Bryan wasn't going to be home to follow through...I was going to have to do this. I was in it for the long haul. With several accidents and stubbornness on both our parts he finally just decided it was cool to NOT poop in his undies or pee on the ground and he's through with that. Done. Moved on. Big boy!

I'm just so THRILLED that somehow, all of a sudden it STUCK.


TcH said...

awesome!!! what a big boy! I think the "baby" comment from Bryan probably helped huh?? good thinking daddy! good job mama! you dont do anything easy do you?? LOL

Love you!

Jenny said...

Totally I think that comment did help push him. We had some hard days but we stayed positive and we did it. PHEW me no likey potty training!!!
I just realized that I did the same title as your school one HA