Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I've been emailing back and fourth with one of the HR gal's at MG2 and she asked me if my return date was still in September and I told her yeah, that I was thinking of having it be September 5th.
As I think about it more...I'm just jumping back in FT and go go going. I wonder if it would be better to go back PT for a week or two at first to ease my way back in and adjust to not seeing Gabe. How do you just adjust to not seeing your child all day? I know that women do it all the time and I know and have friends who have done it, but it's really starting to get to me. I have a little over a month left and the closer I get the more my stomach starts to drop and my eye's begin to well up. I have to go back to work, but I don't want too. I don't want someone else taking care of my baby. I want to take care of him DANG IT. sniff
I had lunch with T yesterday and we talked a little about this. How she dealt with it and how she to started feeling depressed a month before having to go back to work. She told me to not let it ruin that month dwelling on it. Make it the best and spend it being happy with Gabe.
This is harder than I thought it would be. :-(

Speaking of work...Bryan has an interview at Jantzen. Pray Pray Pray

1 comment:

TcH said...

OHHH your post makes me sad. I think I have written EXACTLY what you did about 2.5 years ago :- (
about not wanting someone else to take care of him etc..... It FREAKING SUCKS. Its not supposed to be this way. Mommy's are supposed to be home. The AWESOME thing is that your mom is going to be caring for him and that is so cool. B/c you know your mom loves him as much as you do. And the next best thing is grandma! That is what gets me through the days so many times.
Im sorry you have to go through this : (
My suggestion to you is to go back part time. I did it for one week and it was AWESOME. In fact I was thinking "wow, this isn't so bad at all" if you can do it more than one week, I suggest that. Ease yourself back in.

Love you! T