Monday, August 13, 2007

I love weekends!

I LOVE weekends! Saturday was a wonderfully typical Saturday where I ran some errands, did some chores, had some good friend time and then hung out at night with my family. I say typical, but really we're separated a lot, so it wasn't so much a typical Saturday, as an ideal Saturday in my mind. Bryan might disagree as he did homework and yard work. We did get child-free evening together (my dad tagged along), but let me first start at the beginning of the day.

I didn't eat any breakfast because I was meeting Marcia along with her two girls at Red Robin for lunch and then we were going to go to Old Navy to do some shopping. I had talked to her Friday for a while and we don't know what we were thinking us going out with three kiddos two under the age of six months. We said it was going to be our adventure for the week. :) Oddly enough the kiddos did great and we were able to get some fun time in together.
After I left them at Gresham Station I went to a laundry mat by our house and washed our down comforter. I fed and played with Gabe while waiting for it to get done. On my way home Gabe fell asleep in the car and so I took his car seat up to the office while Bryan continued to work on homework and I washed both vehicles and did some laundry. Gabe slept he whole time I was out doing that and woke up just before his next feeding time.

All month the Fairview park is putting on a "Flick in the park" every Saturday evening. We went to the first one and it was so fun sitting in our lawn chairs rapped up in blankets (cause it did get cold) watching a movie. Actually, it reminds me of something you'd see in a movie not actually get to do it. The first flick was The Sound of Music and that movie was a tad long IMO to play, but I have always LOVED that movie. I remember every year it would come on TV and my mom would make me take a nap so that I could stay up on a school night and watch it. Don't know why we just didn't buy the stinkin movie? Anyway, the second movie was Happy Feet. Mom hated that movie and we didn't really have any desire to see it, so just Jacob and Janell went and said that the park was actually packed and that when the penguins would dance all the kids would stand up and dance. HA Instead though we had dinner at my parents and then mom and Julie watched Gabe while Bryan my dad and I went to see Bourne Ultimatum. That was an AWESOME movie! In fact I loved all three!
I think we'll go see the other two "flicks in the park" which should be fun!

Sunday we went to church and then Bryan had more homework so Gabe and I stayed at my parents and hung out there. It was a mellow time. Gabe and I took a nap, mom and dad cleaned out their garage and we all just puttered around and talked. After Bryan was done with his homework he came and got Gabe and took him home and I went to see Pirates 3 at Mt Hood with mom, dad, Jacob and Janell. I guess this was a movie weekend for me. Bryan and Gabe had good father son time though and Gabe was sound asleep when I got home. The movie was pretty good, but the Bourne Ultimatum trilogy was way better IMO.
A couple weeks ago my parents were in a pretty bad accident and it totaled my dads car. A couple in their small group from church is letting them borrow one of their cars which is such a blessing, but it's a pretty old car and when it's cold it keeps dieing. It was quite an adventure going home last night and we had some good laughs!

It was a good weekend.

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