Friday, August 25, 2006


We FINALLY got the Title to our car! It took us forever to get it from the Credit Union it was at and that we were paying payments to before paying it off. We had to call them 2 times and both of us don’t get off of work in time to go get it before they close.
Our house payment is up the wazoo but HEY we own our car now! ;o)

When I got the mail the other day we got something from the IRS! It says we owe them $500 from our 2004 taxes. EEKS! We’re going to take this to the accountant who did our taxes and see what she can do and what happened!? I guess this happened to my parents and the accountant took care of it and they haven’t heard anything since or had to pay anything. I hope that is the case for us too!

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