Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I want the sun to come back!!!

It's been nasty icky outside the last two day's. I want the sun to come back!

Yesterday work of course. Bryan and I left around 6:30am, Gabe had just woken up. He's been waking up a little earlier lately. Kind of annoying, but I can't really complain because he's always been a pretty good sleeper. I think it may have to do with his teeth. He's getting three all at the same time and it seems to be painful.

He did not want to go to Janell as I was trying to say goodbye and pass him over to her. Breaks my heart to have to leave him. Sniff. When I called Janell around 12:30 they sounded like they were having a lot of fun though. I could hear him in the background talking away. I have been staying up WAY too late at night this week. I am exhausted. It's funny, this guy at work, Tyson barely ever sleeps. He had told us last week that he maybe gets 4 hours of sleep every night. WTHeck? How does one live on that? He sure does get a lot done though. SO my plan last Friday was to be like Tyson and get a ton done even if I had to stay up really late Friday night and get up with Gabe early the next morning. Guess what? I never made it past 8pm. I fell asleep on the couch. Yeah that worked out well. How does he do it?! ;)
I started feeling SO sleepy around 4 yesterday and so when my dad picked me up around 4:15 I closed my eye's and rested the whole way home. I met Janell at their house which actually I shouldn't have. I wanted to change my clothes and get some comfy clothes on so I should have met Janell at home. OH WELL. I stole a velur outfit from Julie. HA

Everyone left me and went to dinner and I fed Gabe before heading to Nate and Teresa's to hang out with Kambrie. It was my turn for the babysit swap that we do. When I got into the car I noticed the gas light was on. (Note to self: Leave gas card with Janell on Tuesday's) I was a little panicked because I needed to stop and get gas but I also left my moms house a little later then I wanted. I decided to stop for Gas though because I was scared that I would run out completely. Drove up, got situated, opened the gas door, got my gas card and the guy walked up to me and told me that their computers were down and that he couldn't pump me some gas. DOH! Now what do I do? I ended up driving to T's and crossing my finger's that I could make it to a gas station when I left afterwards. That is so stressful. I have ran out of gas once before in that car so I was scared.

We had so much fun with Kambrie last night. At first she was pretty mellow. She watched some sponge bob in their big leather chair and around 6:20 she ate some dinner. She actually ate the whole thing and never asked me for a treat. At one point we went up to her room and played. She got some toys out for Gabe and she actually laid on her bed for about 10-15 mins. T mentioned that she hadn't taken a nap so she must have been tired. Kam is SO good with Gabe…she helps him and plays with him. At one point during the evening Gabe was getting tired fussy and she was obviously annoyed by his wining which actually I was too. HA She looked at me and said, "I just need some peace and quiet around here!" I was totally cracking up. We played tag and hide-and-go-seek. Kambrie went to hide when it was her turn and I picked up Gabe and went into the kitchen to count and after I said "ready or not here I come" I put Gabe down and told him to find her and he waddled right over to the pillows she was hiding behind and pulled the one pillow off of her. She screamed BOO and Gabe smiled. It was so cute. I think Gabe saw her hide behind the pillows as I was walking out of the room. Heehee

We ended up making it to a gas station THANK GOODNESS and HOLY COW it was almost $50. I remember when the car only took about $30. This sucks.

Gabe didn't fall asleep in the car but when we got home I gave him his milk and put him in bed and I didn't hear another peep out of him. He was tired!
After I got him down Bryan got home and started gathering the garbage up to set outside and I unloaded the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen.

Gabe is rarely crawling anymore. He still falls a lot when walking but he wants to walk everywhere and boy does he think he's a cool dude. He walks around talking a mile a minute. He smiles and laughs. It is the cutest thing ever!


Janell said...

Yeah...I noticed the gas light coming on when I was driving home and I thought that you should leave the gas card with me as well. At least you made it to a gas station b4 running out!

TcH said...

My child makes me crack up and cringe all at the same time. The peace and quiet thing is so funny. ah ha!
Well one good thing about having Gabe here is that he will be good and tired out for you on Wed and Thursdays. I think he gets worn out just watching Kambrie run around. ha ha.
I love the picture of him carrying his "KROCS" hee hee.

Jenny said...

Janell - I am going to try and remember to do that. Hey I replaced your shower gel that I used. I got you the green kind.

T - no, it was funny the way she said it. ;)

Brandy said...

I'll make you feel better about filling up with gas.... ours is over $100 every two weeks. ACK!

Jenny said...

What kind of vehicle do you guy's have? eeks! Do you only have one?

Brandy said...

yeah we only have one and we have a beast of a truck. ;-/ Stupid stupid truck.