Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am... trying to live my life the best way I can.
I think... that kids grow way too fast so enjoy every minute
I know...God won't give anything I can't handle
I want... To be a SAHM!
I have... the best kid anyone could ever ask for.
I wish ... there were more hours in the day, and that we were able to just pick up and vacation whenever we felt like it.
I hate...being away from Gabe for hours and hours of the day
I miss... my friend Melissa
I fear... everything...I'm a paranoid mom actually I am just paranoid
I feel... tired
I hear... Gabe's white noise machine
I smell... nothing because my nose is always stuffed up
I wonder... if I'll ever catch up on my laundry
I regret... only a few things
I love... to shop
I always... ask "can you do me a favor?" and tell Gabe that I love him.
I am not ...patient enough (but I'm working on it)
I believe... in God
I don't always... eat as good as I should.
I win...not all that often...
I wedding ring at least twice a month
I if I can help it
I country music
I am scared of...loosing someone I love.
I read...library books
I am happy about...going to bed.

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