Saturday, December 18, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
When gratitude seeps into your heart the worry and stress start to dissipate.
I have a confession to make, this year I haven't been very thankful/grateful...everything seems to be crashing down around us right now and I have been downright cranky this Thanksgiving weekend.
I looked back at my Thanksgiving post last year and it was a GREAT reminder for me:
I read a verse the other day that I've been mulling over:So, today I am choosing to change my attitude and be thankful for a loving God and choose to realize how very blessed we are. And I am thankful."And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.Thessalonians 5:14-18In All circumstances...
Learning to be thankful - even when I cannot see, hear or understand what God is doing or how He is working - is authentic thanksgiving and the direct result of a living, active and personal faith in God. We often hear that we need more faith in order to be more thankful. I don't think so! We operate in faith every single day. We flip a switch believing in faith that light will appear. We turn a key believing in faith that a car will start. We even go to a doctor we hardly know who scribbles an impossible - to - read prescription which we promptly take to a pharmacist we have never seen. This unknown druggist proceeds to fill the prescription, giving us a medicine with a name we cannot even pronounce. And we take it - all in blind faith!
I believe that instead of pleading for more faith, we need to exercise the faith we already possess. As we continually step out in faith, not only will that faith grow stronger, but we will begin to trust God more, naturally developing an attitude of thanks. Faith does not believe that God can or will act. Faith believes that God is answering as we pray. And that truth, will send us to our knees in praise and thanksgiving.
I'm so, so, so grateful that this man is the father of my children:

I am thankful for my family:

I love when Jayce looks at me and grins like this and I feel like he's in LOVE with me. Like he doesn't see a single flaw yet.

I am thankful for my little Bible study group and for the inspiration and encouragement I get from those 3 ladies/friends
I am thankful for my parents... parents who love me and want the best for me. They have taught me which sources and tools to use to over come challenges in this life. They are good examples of living what they teach.
Thanksgiving Day was a good day! We had SO much good food...
Nathan made this AMAZING homemade salsa
We had Ham and Turkey
YUMMY baked mashed potatoes
Stuffing and gravy
Kings Hawaiian sweet rolls (our favorite)
Brown sugar cooked carrots
mmmmm it's making me hungry right now. :)

Some of my favorite moments:
- The kids all piling on Bryan
- Jayce telling Aunt Janell what for and trying to bite her
- Gabe and Jaden playing with phones under the table
- Jayce and Daddy had a nap

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Things I never want to forget #19-#23
20. After praying at bed time Gabe said he was scared of the dark (which was a little weird. Never has bothered him before). Bryan told him that he can pray to Jesus and ask Him to help him not be scared of the dark. Gabe responded "BUT He's SO far awayyyyyy" Bryan said "No He's in our hearts." in which Gabe looked down at his chest concerned and said "I don't want Him in my heart I want to get Him out!" How do you explain to a 3.5 yr old that He's not actually PHYSICALLY in his heart. So Bryan just said "well He's here with us always and you can pray to him anytime".
21. During Sunday school class Julie was teaching and they all sat down on their carpet scares. Julie said to the class "Ok class we have a new helper today, can you all say Hi to Pam?" Everyone said quietly "Hi Pam!" Gabe said more loudly "HI HAMMMMMM" Gabe thinking "NO wait that's my Grandma!"
22. I absolutely LOVE that Jayce sits and stares with his mouth open. Even if there is a ton of drool pouring out. :)
23. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of baby breath! I wish I could bottle it up.
Today we started chores and I showed Gabe his chore chart. This is actually new to us because Gabe is still young, but I do believe that starting children young with some housework is a great way for them to learn many life skills. Plus, they feel great when they achieve their tasks and let's face it, it helps me out. lol!
I feel that playing video games is a privilege that he needs to earn SO...
...the chores we’ve started with are:
- help make bed
- feed Calie
- take dishes to the kitchen (after breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and
- pick up toys (before bed time)
When he accomplishes a task, he gets a sticker in the alloted square for that day. At the end of the day, we count up the stickers. For every sticker, he gets a 5 mins of game playing time.
He was pretty excited about it this morning. We shall see if that will continue.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Action Sports Just Do It design contest
Prize - ALL new Nike snowboarding gear equaling:
- snowboard
- boots
- bindings
- jacket and pants
Here are the designs:

Monday, November 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Has it really been 4 months already???
Weight: 15.1 (50%)
Height: 25.5 (75%)
Heed: 75%

He is getting so big and fun to interact with, he loves to coo and smile, he is rolling over (from tummy to back only) grabbing/batting his toys constantly and giggling when you tickle him. He is at such a fun stage right now - I love it!
The only thing is I feel like it's going TOO fast...it went way slower with Gabe...seemed like he was small forever...maybe because he was a preemie...I don't know, but it's making me want another one. lol
I think that we've made it...made it past "the stage". You know the stage where all he does is scream, only mommy can sooth, both Bryan and my mom are scared out of their wits to be alone with him stage.
I feel so painfully aware, this time around, of how quickly he's passing through each magical stage. If only we could bottle them all and pull them out when we've got two raging toddlers and are in desperate need of some newborn nuzzles and noises. "Yes, today I'd prefer a little bit of the sweet smelling poopoo and spit-up, (I know I'm weird but when they're little, I like it all) yes, maybe a little spray of some of that bubble blowing discovery (you know where their tongue is out and they learn to spit at you and they're amazed at themselves), or a little peek at that determined shaky face trying to get fist to mouth to suck and drool, maybe even a bottle of the drool. I'd like a little bit of baby-neck scent, some of kissing-the-chubbiest-cheeks-you've ever kissed, and a bottle of that look. The one where he stares at me with such intensity and then grins the happiest smile you've ever seen. As if to say he's perfectly and completely happy to be my baby boy. And I feel like he's in LOVE with me. Like he doesn't see a single flaw yet. YET. The feeling's mutual."
He stopped sleeping through the night. He'll give me a 6 hour or 7 hour night every few weeks and that feels like heaven on earth. SO different from Gabe...Gabe slept through the night and never stopped. This too shall pass...I HOPE! :)
Monday, November 01, 2010
The Dentist
Gabe's 2nd dentist appointment was today. I took Jayce to my mom and we were off. My stomach was in knots the whole way there. I even texted Bryan and asked him to pray. I was preparing myself for the worst because I didn't the 1st time. We started talking to him about it a couple days before and YEP I told him that he could have candy if he did good. lol
OH my what a difference from last time. He was EXCELLENT! He sat real still during pictures, wore the glasses and opened up nice and wide for them. PHEW!
Sunday, October 31, 2010

We have taken the kiddos to the Troutdale Outlet Mall the last 2 years and although the rest of the fam did it again this year, we opted to go home after church, have lunch, get the boys good naps and Bryan and I cleaned up the house.
This is my favorite picture:

The others...

Trick or Treating...

- After trick or treating at a house he let out a gleeful laugh and said "I LOVE HALLLLOWEEEEN!!!"
- A boy was dressed up as Darth Vader and at the same house we were. Gabe looked up at him and said "YOU'RE Darth Vader" shook his hand and said "It's nice to meet you"
- Told a boy dressed up as Jason from Friday the 13th the he loved him
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Jaden's Day
It was a special day for our whole family, and I am grateful to be a part of his life.

All the Pirate family's

Happy 4th Birthday JadenMan!
We LOVE you!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Punkin Patch
Last Saturday we met the Duffy's at Lee Farms for our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. What a perfect day...the sun was out and it was actually darn right warm. The pumpkin patch makes me feel like Fall is actually here and the leaves are changing...I love, love, love this time of year.

JadenMan's 4th Birthday party (Mom's going all out! She loves throwing AWESOME parties)
I want to make some cookies with Gabe AND
Trick or Treating of course
Friday, October 15, 2010
Jayce (3 months)
Friday, October 08, 2010
Sometimes He Calms The Storm
Sometimes He Calms The Storm
by Scott Krippayne
All who sail the sea of faith
Find out before too long
How quickly blue skies can grow dark
And gentle winds grow strong
Suddenly fear is like white water
Pounding on the soul
Still we sail on knowing
That our Lord is in control
Sometimes He calms the storm
With a whispered peace be still
He can settle any sea
But it doesn't mean He will
Sometimes He holds us close
And lets the wind and waves go wild
Sometimes He calms the storm
And other times He calms His child
He has a reason for each trial
That we pass through in life
And though we're shaken
We cannot be pulled apart from Christ
No matter how the driving rain beats down
On those who hold to faith
A heart of trust will always
Be a quiet peaceful place
Sometimes He calms the storm
With a whispered peace be still
He can settle any sea
But it doesn't mean He will
Sometimes He holds us close
And lets the wind and waves go wild
Sometimes He calms the storm
And other times He calms His child
I was laid off back in February 2009 and my dream of becoming a stay at home mom unexpectedly became reality. I don't think that I would have ever quit my job on my own due to what we thought we needed at the time for our finances. In fact only about 2 weeks after I was laid off, I was approached by an old co-worker working for a different Architecture firm that they were looking for an Administrative Assistant. I applied and got an interview immediately. We thought for sure I was going to have a job again, but that is not what God had in mind.
Months went by and we began to notice how well me staying home suited us. We did have unemployment helping us with our finances, but we cut way down on our spending and I started trying to find new ways, frugal ways to live by.
Over a year has gone by and we've come to the end of unemployment, but we still believe that God is calling me to stay home. We have prayed about this everyday. So, now we have problem we don't have enough income to cover our finances. This is seriously a scary time for us. We are in the midst of trying to do a modification on our mortgage and we just so far don't see what the solution is going to be. I am praying that God seriously surprises and amazes us!
Matthew 11:28 "Come unto Me and I will give you rest."
In biblical times, if a lamb wandered away from the flock, the shepherd searched for that lamb until he found it. The shepherd sometimes broke one of the lamb's legs and then carried the wounded lamb on his shoulders until the leg was healed. The lamb developed such a close relationship with the shepherd, that when its leg was healed, the lamb would never again wander away from the one who had rescued it and cared for it so tenderly.
I am terrified, but the only way I can find hope is to claim the promise of the peace and rest promised by the Savior.
He is really the only one who can sooth my anxiousness. There may not be much understanding on my part, but there is a longing to draw so close to the Savior that I will totally rely on His love and His promises. He has never failed me.
The Scripture, "Come unto me and I will give you rest," has kept me going so many times when my emotions wanted to just give in completely to despair and depression. I try to visualize myself being carried in the arms of Jesus. He is always there, urging me on, whispering in my ear to never give up, pulling me as close to Him as I am willing to come, all the time saying, "Come closer, my child; depend on Me completely, and I will see you through this, no matter what happens."
My job is to seek out and walk in the steps He has planned for me - even when those steps are filled with pain and confusion.
Uncertainty certainly gets our attention, but in all the emotional chaos of wondering what will happen also comes the sure knowledge that I am being carried in strong loving arms that will never let me go. I asked God "why" many times and while I know He understands my frailty as a servant, He keeps giving me the same answer, "Hang on, I am with you. We can do this together."
When life comes at us like a hurricane, we know we have the hope of Jesus Christ. We know why we are here on this earth - to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him - so that we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven. I need to cling to the hope that can only be found in knowing God.
I'll Praise you in this storm
And I will lift my hands
You are who you are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will Praise You in this storm
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Past 2 months
I have to admit, though, it's been a lot harder then I expected and some days I feel like I'm barely hanging on. I LOVE newborns always have always will. Gabe was an excellent baby...Jayce is not as easy, but he is a good baby. We have had nights of 7-10 hours of sleep. Woohoo!!! I can't tell you how happy I am when I:
There are several reasons why it's harder this time around for me.
Jayce is really fussy especially in the evenings. He cries A LOT whereas Gabe barely cried. Gabe loved his car seat and never cried in the car. We rarely have any car rides where Jayce is NOT crying. It's very overwhelming and it makes us all anxious.
Nursing is new to me...didn't nurse with Gabe and where I am very grateful that I seem to have a good supply this time and Jayce latched immediately it's not my favorite thing to do. It has definitely gotten way better though and it is such a blessing to not to have to spend so much money on formula.
I'm somewhat concerned still with the transition for Gabe. He's super sweet to the baby...But me? Well, he says he doesn't like me. He glares at me. Talks back to me. He intentionally scratches or hits me. He seems very angry. I know that part of it is because he's 3, but this has been the part that has been the hardest for me. It makes me sad. This will get better right?
We're home

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Things I never want to forget #14-#18
15. We were getting into the truck (Sep 10th) and Gabe said "hey Mommy look at those clouds...I want to go into the sky above the clouds and see Jesus!"
16. Gabe hasn't been able to pronounce words that begin with L . He says:
- Love = Wove
- Lily = Wilwy
- Like = Wike
- Lots = Wots
- Lion = Wion
- Ladybug = Wadybug
18. Almost every time Jayce sneezes he follows it with an "Ah"
Friday, September 10, 2010
It's offical!

He's still in pull-ups at night --- but otherwise, 100% --- no accidents --- fully committed --- so much that he goes up to the bathroom on his own and doesn't even need my help --- potty-trained.
I'm just so THRILLED that somehow, all of a sudden it STUCK.
2 months

-spitting up like nobody's business
-doing cute lizard moves with his tongue
-taking frustrating short naps but...
-usually sleeping 8 hours at night
-kicking when he's excited
-making the Arsenio Hall "whoo whoo" hand motion
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Day at the Oregon State Fair

Saturday, July 17, 2010

This pregnancy was SO different. Much different than the way I expected or was used to. From having way more cravings, going full term, having a better experience in the hospital, tons of good BP readings.....
I got to 32 weeks (when I had Gabe), then 33, 34, 35 , 36 and so on. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. God is SO good and I truly believe that all of the prayers that were being prayed by family and friends were being answered.
At 36 weeks I went in and had a little spotting and my BP was up pretty high. We had an ultrasound to make sure that our boy was growing well. The dr. took several BP readings and we talked about July 10th for my scheduled c-section. The last thing he said was that he was almost positive that I would go earlier though. I was going in weekly at this point and kept doing just fine. I was going all the way baby!